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Showing posts from July, 2017

Big Data concept everyone must know

Big Data will change our world completely and is not a passing fad that will go away. To understand big data concept it is important to understand five Vs: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value. 1-Volume  refers to the vast amounts of data generated every second. Just think of all the emails, twitter messages, photos, video clips, sensor data etc. we produce and share every second. We are not talking Terabytes but Zettabytes or Brontobytes. On Facebook alone we send 10 billion messages per day, click the "like' button 4.5 billion times and upload 350 million new pictures each and every day. If we take all the data generated in the world between the beginning of time and 2008, the same amount of data will soon be generated every minute! This increasingly makes data sets too large to store and analyze using traditional database technology. With big data technology we can now store and use these data sets with the help of distributed systems, where parts of the data...

Difference between Attitude and Behavior.

Attitude and behavior are closely related in some sense though they are two different concepts. One of the most important difference between behavior and attitude is attitude is internal whereas behavior is external in sense. In other words it can be said that behavior can very well be seen by others as it is external whereas attitude is shelled within the mind of the individual and hence cannot be seen by others immediately. Expert says that attitude is what you think whereas behavior is what you do. In other words it can be said that attitude has to do with the mind whereas behavior has lot to do with actions. Attitude is thought- oriented whereas behavior is action- oriented. Hesse  attitude has all the power to shape the behavior of a person. It is indeed true that a person with right attitude would be endowed with the right behavior too. Attitude is all about the opinion somebody has about something in life. Behavior is about how someone responds to the i...

Ensuring Effective Performance Appraisals.

Four ways to ensure that performance appraisals are effective. 1-Establish Clear Objectives. Lot of successful organization follows the SMARTER approach, S=Specific M=Measurable A=Attainable R=Relevant T=Time bound E=Expendable R=Reward able Before appraisal begins- Ø   Managers should collect all performance related facts and go through employee record thoroughly. Ø   Managers should not only rely on their memory to evaluate performance. Ø   It is important that performance objectives are agreed upon by both managers and theirs employees. 2-Evaluate skills and performance. In addition to reviewing an employee’s performance based on the yearly objectives achieved, performance appraisals should also assess how successfully; Ø   Employees have acquired new skills Ø   Refined their existing skills set Ø   Highlight skills required to perform well in future Ø   Any initiative an employee has taken ...

Guiding principles of Change Management everyone must know.

Change Management is a long-term structural transformation. It has four characteristics Scale (the change affects all or most of the organization), Magnitude (it involves significant alterations of the status quo), Duration (it lasts for months, if not years). Strategic importance, companies will reap the rewards only when change occurs at the level of the individual employee. Many senior executives know this and worry about it. When asked what keeps them up at night, CEO's  involved in transformation often say they are concerned about; How the work force will react? How they can get their team to work together? How they will be able to lead their people? They also worry about retaining their company’s unique values and sense of identity and about creating a culture of commitment and performance. Top 10 list of guiding principles for change management. 1-Address the “human side” systematically. Any significant transformation creates “people issue...

Different Kinds of Learning (Loops of Learning), everyone must know.

Single and double-loop learning-concepts have been developed by Chris Argyris and Donald Schon. These theories are based upon”a theory of action” prospective designed by Argyris. However, the origin of triple-loop learning is not well-known. It is clear that triple-loop learning is inspired by Argyris and Schon, but the term does not appear explicitly in their published work. 1-Single-Loop Learning (Following the Rules) The conventional example used to explain this concept is the thermostat. It operates in one mode. When it detects that the room is too cold, it turns on the furnace. When it detects that the room is too hot, it turns off the furnace. In other words, the system includes one automatic and limited type of reaction – little or no learning occurs and little or no insight is needed .Experts assert that most organizations operate according to single-loop learning – members establish rigid strategies, policies and procedures and then spend their time detecting and co...