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Ensuring Effective Performance Appraisals.

Four ways to ensure that performance appraisals are effective.

1-Establish Clear Objectives.

Lot of successful organization follows the SMARTER approach,

T=Time bound
R=Reward able

Before appraisal begins-

Ø  Managers should collect all performance related facts and go through employee record thoroughly.
Ø  Managers should not only rely on their memory to evaluate performance.
Ø  It is important that performance objectives are agreed upon by both managers and theirs employees.

2-Evaluate skills and performance.

In addition to reviewing an employee’s performance based on the yearly objectives achieved, performance appraisals should also assess how successfully;
Ø  Employees have acquired new skills
Ø  Refined their existing skills set
Ø  Highlight skills required to perform well in future
Ø  Any initiative an employee has taken

3- Deliver constructive feedback.

C=Clarify the expected performance
E=Explain how the employee has performed
D=Discuss the reasons that caused performance gaps
A=Agree on the actions to fix the problems
R=Review the outcomes

4-Discuss personal development plans.
Performance appraisal exercise must include a discussion regarding employees;
Ø  Long-term career development goals
Ø  Growth opportunities
Ø  Training plans and on the job coaching

Out Come

Ø  Accomplishing employees growth with in organization
Ø  Meeting the expected performance standards.


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