Management is not a popularity contest. If you try to please everyone, you’ll wind up pleasing no one. There are proven ways to become the manager everyone wants to work for: 1- Demand excellence. If you do not demand excellence, that is what you’ll get, a department full of mediocrity. When you ask people to describe the best manager they’ve ever had, no one says “it was the slacker manager who played words with friends all day” No, it was the one who pushed us and challenged us to do things that we never thought we could do. 2- Be passionate. If you are not passionate, why will people want to go extra mile for you? Go all out for your people.The idea of checking your emotions at the door is ridiculous. If you are excited about the work you are doing and the people you are helping, let people know. Scream it from the mountain. Passion is contagious. 3- Believe in your people. Be their fan. Let them know it. Believe in them more than they believe in ...
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